Cooma Squash Club
Ph:02 6452 1213
Mobile: 0411295889
Call after 5pm Mon-Fri to talk to Committee or during Business hours for General Inquiries
President - John Klevin
Vice President - Simon White
Secretary - Larry Matt
Treasurer - Mark Kenmir
General Committee
Daryl Gaugroger
Ged Mackay
Paul Dyball
Andrew Egan
Ross Pratt
Stuart Wood
The Squash Club Committee meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm at the Squash Club in the party room upstairs, everyone is welcome. If you are unable to attend the Monthly meeting but wish to receive the minutes please provide us with your e-mail address and we will gladly email them to you.
Squash Club under Community Ownership
WITH the retirement of Mick and Loretta O’Connor Cooma Squash Club has taken over the running of the Cooma Squash Courts.
An active committee lead by Chairman John Kleven is responsible for day to day court management and organising ongoing competitions.
John Kleven thanked the O’Connors and encouraged new players. Local doctor Andrew Egan, a regular squash player for 36 years, said squash provided an excellent cardiovascular workout. He said an hour’s play used up to 4,000 kilojoules.
“This is significantly more than most other sports and over 70 per cent more than either general tennis or racquetball,” Dr Egan said.
“The sport also provides a good upper and lower body workout by utilising both the legs to run around the court and the arms and torso to swing the racquet,” he said.
A new 12-week competition starts next week with children’s clinics at 4.30 and adult squash at 6.45. Players can pay as they go or commit to an annual membership, which gives them free access to the courts.
The club has special rates for children under 18 and families. Ring 6452 1213 or turn up at the courts in Murray Lane, Cooma, during business hours and up until 9pm on Tuesdays.